Windows 8 Task Manager without elevating?

Solution 1:

Compatibility "shims" can be used to override the manifest; you can start Task Manager with the __compat_layer environment variable set to runasinvoker, e.g. from a command prompt:
set __compat_layer=runasinvoker

Or, use Compatibility Administrator to apply the "RunAsInvoker" compatibility fix to taskmgr.exe so it automatically launches non-elevated.


The RunAsInvoker compatibility shim can be enabled in the registry, without needing the Application Compatibility Toolkit or even installation of an SDB. Here is a registry script to do so (adjust the path as appropriate for your system):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]

Solution 2:

I don't have Windows loaded atm., but if the Task Manager is still called taskmgr.exe could you create a shortcut for it and see if Properties, Shortcut, Advanced has the checkbox for "Run as administrator"? Unchecking this will allow it to start non-elevated, without actually changing any setting/policy, right?

P.S. A nice alternative is @ (Process Explorer)