No network connection on Host or Guest simultaneously with Client Hyper-V + Windows 8

I create a virtual switch from the Hyper-V manager, then I set it as the Network adapter in the VM's settings.

In subsequent attempts, this happens:

  • The VM gets access to the internet, but the host OS doesn't


  • The host OS has internet access, but the VM doesn't.

That is, the host and guest don't get internet access simultaneously.

What can I do?

I did all the steps as indicated in: Here.

You have to enable "Allow management operating system to share this network adapter". But it seems that there is a bug. If you create an external network connection with this check mark set then only your guests have internet connection. uncheck this feature, apply settings and than redo.

Check > Apply > uncheck > Apply > Check > Apply. I tried to get this working for several hours. Thanks microsoft for this bug.