What do you call someone looking for a job? [closed]

I am trying to compose a sentence, and I am currently stuck for the right word. I am trying to say:

In a job interview, the audience would be the employer and the ---------

That is the word I am looking for. I cannot put "employee" as he has not been employed yet. Is there a single word for someone looking for a job? "Job-seeker?"

Solution 1:

Are you looking for applicant?

Another synonym is candidate (but with a broader meaning).

The Merriam-Webster definition is:

ap·pli·cant - noun \ˈa-pli-kənt\
  •   Definition
        Applicant: one who applies <a job applicant>
  •   Examples
        We interviewed 30 qualified applicants for the job.
        have numerous applicants for the job
  • First Known Use

N.B.: 1776? What kind of job could that have been?

Solution 2:

The person could be a candidate or an interviewee. He/ she could also be referred to as a prospective employee.