Alternative word for Karma, but when nothing is expected in return

I'm creating a monopoly style game that allows people to "win" in any of these 3 areas:

  • capitalism (traditional monopoly)
  • karma giving
  • Giving with no expectation of return

I'm having trouble coming up with an appropriate term for that last one... something appealing, and suitable for a persons private scorecard.

The idea that I want to convey is that there are 3 different ways to play the game... and you can switch from one mode to the other at any time. The last goal is similar to being an anonymous donor to a charity, or a giving to a homeless person without any fanfare.


I looked at the word Karma, and in doing so I found this critique of the word:

Karma alone is a dumb reason to do something for someone else

What is a better word for karma giving without expectation?

Philanthropy is giving for the sake of giving. Not for some reward in heaven or hope of a better reincarnation. It fits with the context of the tycoons you play in monopoly.

Perhaps altruism (or selflessness)

Definition: principle or practice of unselfish concern for; devotion to the welfare of others (opposed to egoism).

Example: Elephants are particularly altruistic. However, their altruism extends not only to other elephants, but to many other species in distress as well, including humans.

"Compassion" is another possibility, but it refers more to emotion than action. However, active compassion may fit.

Example: Merkel's active compassion for refugees.

In Vajrayana Buddhism, we refer to doing good deeds or giving something with no expectation of return as, "accumulating merit." We strive to purify karma and accumulate merit and wisdom. When a great Tibetan master in our lineage was asked why he was doing the seemingly lowly task of re-stringing a student's broken mala (similar to a Roman Catholic's rosary), he replied, "Because it makes her happy, and I receive the merit." He did not need the merit, of course, but used the example as a teaching point.

"Altruistic giving" might be another possibility. Also, please note that "Karma Giving" could have negative or positive connotations in Buddhism.

Many answers seem to focus on what the giving is referred to as. I think you may be trying to find the word akin to "karma", but without all of "karma"s connotations. I suggest "mojo" (or "vibe"). When you give without expectation of anything in return, you promote good "mojo" in a situation. "Mojo" doesn't seem to carry the same connotations of "karma" as it doesn't always return to you.