Opposite of mainstream

How do you define someone that does (not on purpose) quite the opposite of the general trend?

For example:

My week schedule is quite packed with events except Friday evening, while it's usually the opposite we hear about.

I thought of unconventional and peripheral, which I got are antonyms for mainstream, but I am wondering if there is a better adjective for my situation.

I would suggest atypical:

atypical adjective

different from all others of the same type:

  • The sociable behaviour of lions is considered atypical of the cat family.

Cambridge Dictionary

Perhaps unorthodox will work for you:


  • Contrary to what is usual, traditional, or accepted; not orthodox.

"He frequently upset other scholars with his unorthodox views"


Consider maverick

From Thesaurus.com:

  1. a lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates. Synonyms: nonconformist, individualist; free thinker; loner, lone wolf.
  2. a person pursuing rebellious, even potentially disruptive, policies or ideas. Synonyms: rebel, cowboy; loose cannon.