What is the opposite of using something judiciously?

I want to tell a colleague to use a particular file wherever possible. Basically the opposite of using it judiciously. I ended up saying "use the file at will" — but it got me wondering if there is a one-word antonym for judiciously. Google suggests foolishly or carelessly, but that's not what I want to convey.

How about: "use the file liberally"?

I would say the opposite of judiciously can be freely.

Judicious (and the adverb's meaning parallels closely - contrast say a scheming person and a scheme of work) is defined primarily as well-considered, wise. (having, exhibiting or proceeding from good judgment - freedictionary)

It also allows of the near-synonym prudent, which has the sense

not (1) but (2) (autoformat naughty here). Careful in regard to one's own interests; provident. (AHDEL)

The antonyms referring to the wise sense are injudicious (general) and capricious or even cavalier (silly or callous behaviour) while an example of an antonym for the prudent sense is prodigal.

To convey the sense 'Don't feel restricted in how much you can use the file' here, which isn't a diametric opposite, the suggestions already given work well, except for Use it liberally which is the diametric opposite of Use it sparingly; the single-word version for the 'you decide exactly how much to use it' sense is '(You may) use it freely.'

From the context, it would seem that you are looking for an antonym to sparingly, not judiciously.


"Go ahead, use it generously."

Perhaps the easiest thing to say would be, “Use the file whenever you want.” However, it sounds like you're trying to encourage the file's use more than that vanilla statement might convey.

Another way might be, “Feel free to make heavy use of the file,” which hints at the fact that you'd like to see the file heavily used.

If that's not sufficiently persuasive, you could try, “Feel free to use the file with abandon.”

Collins defines abandon as “unrestrained freedom of action,” and the word usually implies some sort of indulgence.