Eclipse Kepler not connecting to internet via proxy

I have managed to get Eclipse Juno connecting to the internet. For this to accomplish, there are many posts here on stackoverflow. here is one of this links: Eclipse not connecting to internet via proxy

Today i installed Eclipse Kepler on my Windows7 box. But accessing the eclipse marketplace or installing new software does not work. I am using exactly the same proxy configuration as i used for Eclipse Juno. Juno can access the marketplace but Kepler does not. The proxy uses NTLM Authentification. Any one here with similar problem?

No success til now. I am still wondering why Juno can connect whereas Kepler can not:-(

I had same issue. I searched and found this.

This post says don't set SOCKS proxy. I tried this advice, and connection was succeeded. I did below:

  1. Open Network Connection Settings.
  2. Select Active Provider to "Manual".
  3. Set HTTP/HTTPS proxy.
  4. Clear SOCKS proxy if this is set.(select SOCKS proxy row and click "Clear" button)
  5. Restart Eclipse to apply these settings.

I spent hours trying to use this method suggested by mhanada and although it is correct and should have worked the default Secure Storage associated with eclipse was preventing my proxy credentials from being saved. I advise: Be wary of exceptions being thrown regarding Secure Storage. In my case the errors related to being unable to connect to a remote location where the default secure storage path was. In my case I just deleted the Default Secure Storage information via Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage > Contents > Delete.

In my case I set it to "native" settings where socks was enabled for proxy. (Internet Explorer->Internetoptions->Connections->LAN-Settings->Proxy Settings). After disabling it there and adding the following lines to eclipse.ini everything works well:


In my case the problem started after installing the Spring Tool Suite. Uninstalling it solved the problem.

Version: Kepler Service Release 1

A friend of mine ran into that exact problem (fresh machine with a fresh eclipse Kepler installation, the computer was not behind a firewall or proxy.) It turned out to be an issue with Java 7 update 51, when we used a Java 6 JRE to run eclipse the problem was magically solved.