Problem with Winbind/Samba

I had the same problem and installing libnss-winbind resolved the problem.

sudo apt-get install libnss-winbind

Thank you so much for this! I have been struggeling with this 'last piece of the puzzle' for 4 days now, with endless reinstalls and startovers. I have a couple of tips for those as newbies as me trying to get this together on 13.10 :

1) installing SAMBA separately with apt-get after OS-installation seemed to be better than installing it as an option when installing the OS. I don't know exactly WHAT it was, but it behaved differently.

2) All the howtos and docs I have read (and tried) for AD/Winbind are a little outdated. IF you do thing right and in the right sequence, there is NO NEED to fiddle with any of the /etc/pam-d/ - files. pam-auth-update takes care of everything ! The only exception is perhaps 'common-session' if you want to have a home-directory created automatically for users logging in for the first time from AD.

3) same with Kerberos - use dpkg-reconfigure krb5-user in stead of editing /etc/krb5.conf as many papers will tell you to do.

4) Most of the Howtos and documents describing /etc/samba/smb.conf are also outdated. Use new format and remember to do testparm. The important part of mine looks like this :

    workgroup = LUUN
    netbios name = trubadurix

    security = ads
    realm = LUUN.LOCAL
    winbind use default domain = yes
    winbind enum users = yes
    winbind enum groups = yes
    winbind nested groups = yes
    winbind refresh tickets = yes
    template shell = /bin/bash
    template homedir = /home/%D/%U
    domain master = no
    client use spnego = yes
    idmap config *:backend = tdb
    idmap config *:range = 10000-20000
    idmap config LUUN : backend = rid
    idmap config LUUN : range = 1000-20000
    idmap config LUUN : base_rid = 0
    map untrusted to domain = yes

5) remember to install libpam-krb5, winbind (no - SAMBA is not enough even though some of the documentation would lead you to believe that), libpam-winbind and finally libnss-winbind...