Importing PKCS#12 (.p12) files into Firefox From the Command Line

Thanks for the reply, As it happens over the last 24hr i have tracked down why this was not working.

I tested the same c ommand on Suse, Debian 6 and fedora, and it worked fine on all of them which i found a bit strange, however once i updated Ubuntu 10.04 it worked. so i checked what the last updated had supplied, and it seems the recent OpenSSL update has resolved this issue.

To confirm this, once back in the office i installed the same open SSL update, and it all worked fine.

As a final check i tried this on a fresh Ubuntu 10.04.1 install, it failes, run updates it works..

to be very specific. the pk12 command

pk12util -d /home/df001/.mozilla/firefox/ -i client.p12
