New posts in user-agent

How to detect device name in Safari on iOS 13 while it doesn't show the correct user agent?

Switching User-Agent in Firefox 4

Can I get the referrer?

How to remove User-Agent for Firefox

How i can set User Agent in Cordova App

Code to parse user agent string?

How to detect the stock Android browser

Associate a custom user agent to a specific Google Chrome page/tab

PHP cURL how to add the User Agent value OR overcome the Servers blocking cURL requests?

Set useragent in WKWebview

Why does Chrome use sec-ch-ua: "\"Not\\A;Brand";v="99"?

Tell iPadOS from macOS on the web

What is the iOS 6 user agent string?

Does UIWebView send the same User-Agent in the Request Headers as mobile Safari?

Parsing HTTP User-Agent string

Sites not accepting wget user agent header

How to change the User Agent using Selenium and Python

Rails Browser Detection Methods

Mobile detection [closed]

What is the standard format for a browser's User-Agent string?