New posts in ruby-on-rails

Is it possible to set up travis to run tests for several languages?

When to use Helpers instead of Partials

Error Handling in ActiveRecord Transactions?

rbenv: Surviving without gemsets

Transparantly make multiple web applications available at a single address

Need to link WP Blog with Rails App on Heroku

Rspec: Stub method that is in the controller

Active Record has_many :through remove one associated record

has_many :through with class_name and foreign_key

strong parameters permit all attributes for nested attributes

Rails 7 Every File Change Throws Error wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 5)

Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. Should I re-install Gem or Rails?

Passing variables inside rails internationalization yml file

Rspec: How to assign instance variable in controller spec

How do I get an ENV variable set for rspec?

Big Sur - Ruby - Cannot load such file — Interrupted system call

Can't install libpq-dev, ubuntu 10.10 and postgres 9

How to configure Elastic Beanstalk for using Rails with Postgres?

How should secret files be pushed to an EC2 (on AWS) Ruby on Rails application?

What does `:location => ...` and `head :ok` mean in the 'respond_to' format statement?