New posts in ruby-on-rails-3.2

Rspec: Stub method that is in the controller

strong parameters permit all attributes for nested attributes

POSTing raw JSON data with Rails 3.2.11 and RSpec

Factory already registered: user (FactoryGirl::DuplicateDefinitionError)

Rails routes: GET without param :id

haml by default

Rails: How to use dependent: :destroy in rails?

ruby on rails how to deal with NaN

Possible to alias a belongs_to association in Rails?

Model.reset_column_information does not reload columns in rails migration

What is the difference between Rails.cache.clear and rake tmp:cache:clear?

rails generate model

Rails Routes based on condition

How to get a Date from date_select or select_date in Rails?

Reserved names with ActiveRecord models

Rails: How to set a background image in rails from css?

Difference between Render and Render Partial and Yield

How to add confirm message with link_to Ruby on rails

How can i remove a column from table using rails console

Using turbolinks in a Rails link_to