New posts in rails-migrations

How do you skip failed migrations? (rake db:migrate)

How to create a migration to remove an index only if it exists, rather than throwing an exception if it doesn't?

How do I check the Database type in a Rails Migration?

What is the best way to resolve Rails orphaned migrations?

Rails 4: Remove not null constraint from table column with migration?

In a rails migration, how can you remove the limit of a field

Will removing a column with a Rails migration remove indexes associated with the column

What is the best way to drop a table & remove a model in Rails 3?

Gem::LoadError: can't activate pg (~> 0.18), already activated pg-1.0.0 [duplicate]

When I run the rake:db migrate command I get an error "Uninitialized constant CreateArticles"

Rails: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "..." does not exist

Rails naming convention for join table

How do you make remove_column reversible?

Rails Migration with adding and removing reference

How can i remove a column from table using rails console

What's the correct syntax for remove_index in a Rails 3.1.0 migration?

Why am I asked to run 'rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test'?

has_many, belongs_to relation in active record migration rails 4

Where is the documentation page for ActiveRecord data types?

Rails Migration: add_reference to Table but Different Column Name For Foreign Key Than Rails Convention