New posts in usage

Is "pushing at an open door" a common expression in English? [closed]

Can you use "Isle" like "Island" when referring to a non-specific Island?

Is “within a nose-hair of (a position / status)” a common idiom?

What exactly is the difference between anniversary and commemoration? [closed]

Is "three point ish" an acceptable use of ish?

Having too much expectations or having too high expectations [closed]

"couldn't help" vs. "couldn't help but": do they have same meaning here? [closed]

usage of "in other words"

How to document a change to an earlier proposal

Can "nor" be used after "and"? As in "and nor"?

Mixing British English and American English [closed]

Term for strong/weak words (in context)

An approach to do something vs. an approach to doing something

Using the word "doc"

What is the difference between "&" and "and" in writing?

Semi-colon or colon?

so much [verb] as [verb]

Why did Mother Teresa use the phrase "it is a poverty"?

Is ‘scooplet’ a popular word?

"throw out/away" vs. "toss (out)" vs. "pitch (out/away)" for "dispose of; discard; get rid of as worthless or useless" in AmEng