New posts in unity

Add extra shortcuts to the Ubuntu launcher quick keys

Why are there 2 Firefox icons in the launcher, and other issues

Unity not searching applications

How to get Hangouts Chrome app tray-icon in Unity? (without opening Chrome browser)

Arc Theme on Ubuntu 16.04 looks weird

Unity - Reduce RAM usage

How do I theme the maximized window buttons with Unity?

What to do against game performance drop in 12.04 when using unity (3D)?

How can I choose which desktop environment to run?

Persistent notifications in Unity

Use NotifyOSD with i3wm window manager

How to run Unity 8 on Ubuntu inside of VirtualBox?

Unable to switch users at lock screen. Unity, Ubuntu 18.04

"you do not have the hardware required to run Unity" on VMware

Is there a way that Unity can remember which terminal window had focus and was raised?

Changing the Dash button to open a lens rather than shortcuts?

Unity Notifications do not look normal?

Ubuntu 13.04. fail to start after installing nvidia drivers (Vostro laptop)

Disable unity launcher on Alt + F2

Compiz / Unity very unstable, crashing very often on 12.04 [closed]