New posts in webapps

How can I let Unity WebApps always run in Chromium?

How can Firefox install WebApps without root privileges?

How do I change the icon of a Epiphany web app?

monodevelop doesn't find xsp4 web server although it is installed/running

Can Microsoft Office 365 or a similar web app be used from Ubuntu?

Is there an Ubuntu app that connects to, plays, and/or manages Google Music?

How to re-enable Unity WebApps in Ubuntu 13.04?

How to create Chrome/Chromium web application desktop shortcut?

Is there any way by which I can make webapps open in a new tab instead of a new window?

How to right-click in Unity Webapps new browser

Do webapps only integrate with Firefox?

What's the advantage of using the Ubuntu web apps browser?

How to get Hangouts Chrome app tray-icon in Unity? (without opening Chrome browser)

Where do webapps install after accepting them

Why removing Amazon also remove other packages?

How to create my own webapp unity integration?

How to create a local webapp userscript

Change default webapp browser

How can I set the User Agent in a webapp?

What efforts are there and what are the differences in webapps?