New posts in uninstall

How to uninstall terraform - Windows PC

Why does "Purge" not remove everything related to an app? [duplicate]

How does the apt-get purge command work?

Cannot uninstall application in Windows 10

How to replace lubuntu for ubuntu desktop ?

How to completely remove MySQL from my system?

How do I remove manually installed packages?

Can someone assist me with removing openvpn from ubuntu 18.04?

How do I disable a program without uninstalling it in Windows 10?

Manually Uninstall GDAL

Restoring [K]Ubuntu 20.04 after removing Python with apt-get

How do I uninstall MariaDB on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)? [duplicate]

How do I uninstall a Chocolatey package that won't go away?

How to compleately remove the i3 desktop enviroment from Ubuntu?

Getting rid of a windows update which will not uninstall via wusa or the control panel, windows 8.1

List of safe to remove applications

How to remove rstudio-server-1.0.143-amd64.deb in ubuntu 16.04 linux machine

Ubuntu does not start after deleting python3

Remove Sublime Text 3 completely

Ghost Slack program that I cannot find its path