New posts in chocolatey

How to add GUI installed programs

How to get a list of packages from one machine and install in another with Chocolatey?

Download chocolatey packages for offline installation

How do I install Chocolatey in a different location than standard, say, even on a different partition?

Can I create a Chocolatey installer automatically based on my currently installed applications? How?

Does chocolatey allow to have multiple versions of same packages side by side?

Win7 error: "CLR initialization failed with error 800700c1."

How do I tell chocolatey a program updated itself?

Chocolatey - Python - Am I doing it wrong?

How do I downgrade a Chocolatey package?

Why does Chocolatey fail to install Elixir on Windows?

How to resolve tilde-completed paths in windows Cmd/Powershell

How do I set Chocolatey to install applications onto another drive?

How do I uninstall a Chocolatey package that won't go away?

How can I upgrade a Chocolatey package if it's already installed, and install it if it isn't?

Installing Windows Terminal on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter

do i need chocolatey in node js and will my windows update to latest version if I installed node js?

How do I automatically keep all locally installed Chocolatey packages up to date?

How do I update all Chocolatey applications without confirmation?

Chocolatey as non-admin user