How do I disable a program without uninstalling it in Windows 10?

Is there a way that I can disable a program without uninstalling it? Essentially, the program would no longer be listed in programs and the program itself wouldn't show up in search, but the physical files themselves wouldn't be removed. Attempting to launch the program while it's disabled would require it to be re-enabled. Re-enabling the program would be significantly faster than reinstalling and simply be a matter of allowing it to show up in programs and search. Is this a thing in Windows? Is this possible to do—with third party programs or otherwise?

Solution 1:

Easy - use the windows registry like that:
Press Win+R and type regedit and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.
Now navigate to the following key:


If you are looking for an application which is 32-bit and your system is 64 bit use the following instead:


Now, inside this folder, find the folder for the application that you want to hide. Right-click on the application folder, select New and then click on DWORD. Name the new value SystemComponent and give it a value of 1.