New posts in uac

Run a program from context menu with admin priveledges (vista UAC)

Is the UAC level in Windows per individual user?

Broken UAC, can't edit File/folders or change settings in user account

How do I configure my application to run as administrator automatically?

Can I modify a Windows 7 environment to allow a .NET program to always run as Administrator?

XAMPP installation on Win 8.1 with UAC Warning

Where do I find the certificate file so I can add a program to "Trusted Publishers" in the certmgr?

Always run a given program as an administrator in Windows 8.1 without prompt

Why does UAC prompt for a password instead of yes/no?

Windows UAC vs. Linux sudo

Why sometimes is required to log off and log on back again adding a group to a user

App needs elevated privileges to run - why?

Does UAC kill the need to run as a regular user?

Giving application elevated UAC

How can I open the User Account Control settings from command line

If a Windows cmd.exe is running with elevated privileges does anything I execute from its prompt also run with elevated privileges?

How to run Firefox in Protected Mode? (i.e. at low integrity level)

Cannot access network drive in PowerShell running as administrator

How to deny elevation to a program?

Chocolatey as non-admin user