Always run a given program as an administrator in Windows 8.1 without prompt

I have set up a program to always run as an administrator using the Compatability setting in Properties, which is necessary as the program always require administrator rights. Is there a way to make so that the User Account Control prompt does not always pop up and require me to confirm that I want to run this as an administrator? I am on an administrator account. I know I can simply turn off all User Account Control notifications, but I would rather not do this for security purposes; rather, I just want UAC settings to remember the choice I made regarding running the program as an administrator but not prompt me to confirm it.

This is an example of what I want, but that was made for Windows 7 and I'm not sure how well it work in 8.1.

The Task Scheduler trick you mention still works fine in Windows 8.x. I use it daily. You can use it without any issues.

Open Windows PowerShell (open it as an Administrator) and Run below registry settings:

Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "EnableLUA" -Value "0"

Click here for a few options:

The first involves creating a link to a task you will create using task manager for the application. The task is set to launch immediately and with elevated privileges and the other solutions rely on 3rd party software.

Search Words: uac suppress prompt