New posts in top-bar

How to get a live speedmeter on the top bar?

How to change name in top bar for an application in GNOME?

How to disable hover to click on top bar?

How to have a Indicator on the GNOME Top Bar that displays the output of a command for every x seconds

How to change position of top bar in Ubuntu 20.04

How to disable the button next to Activities in GNOME?

Why are the top application indicators (top bar icons) appearing black and white in Ubuntu 20.04?

Ubuntu 20.04 show date/time/volume on every screen

Grouping Tray Icons

Is there a way to hide ubuntu dock and top bar using terminal?

Open System Status Menu from terminal [duplicate]

How to remove app icons in system tray on Ubuntu 18.04 with GNOME

How to add Top Bar menu; File, View, History, Tools...for applications in 18.04? [duplicate]

Doesn't constant icons in dock or top-bar cause to screen burn-in?

How can I change the font of the top bar without changing the shell theme?

Ubuntu 18.04 show date and time on every screen

How can I move the clock and date to the bottom in Ubuntu 20.04?

How to display custom formatted clock in top bar on multiple displays in Ubuntu 18.04?

How do I change the top bar font in GNOME 3.30.1?

How can I move the top panel to the bottom in Gnome 3?