How to add Top Bar menu; File, View, History, Tools...for applications in 18.04? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

The feature you are describing is called Ubuntu Global Menu.

It's available here:
Gnome Global Application Menu(HUD for Gnome)

There are a number of ways to install it. But I found the most convenient way is to use the Chrome Extension interface.

You can do this by adding the Chrome support extension to Ubuntu 18.04 with this command:

$ sudo apt install chrome-gnome-shell

Then turn on the feature from Chrome. You'll have to reboot to make the changes come into effect.

I tested it on both a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and an Version upgrade to 18.04 LTS (from 14.04 LTS). They both worked fine.

After the reboot, you can turn the feature on and off from the Chrome Extensions page without rebooting.

There are some comments concerning problems in the past when it was still in the development. As far as I can see the bugs has been worked out. The recent comments are positive.