New posts in synonyms

What is the difference between more, further, and additional?

Technical Term for Incorrect Homonym/Synomym Error

Joining phrases, how to exactly use idioms like "with regard to", "as regard", "in respect"

Do the words 'tied' and 'tight' have a common origin?

Is there a viable synonym for the verb "nod"?

Word choice: rut, dent, groove, hollow, ridge, channel

Is the synonym list in OED reliable?

Synonym for "who they say they are?"

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Is there a non-religious alternative to the expression "mixed blessing"?

Is "Fellow" informal? If yes, what's a formal equivalent?

Is there a difference between "opt" and "choose"?

Is there a term for two differently phrased sentences with the same meaning?

What is the difference between the words “stream”, “flow” etc.?

"Scratch-work" synonym

Defining a goal that can be achieved through many ways

Any single word synonym for "fawn over"?

desired vs. desirable [closed]

Brief / debrief, flammable / inflammable — is there a term for pairs of words that appear to be antonyms but aren't? [duplicate]

Synonym for 'to follow up on something'