Is there a viable synonym for the verb "nod"?

Reading through my manuscript, I realize I have overused the verb "nod" - as in "This sounds great", she agreed nodding.

It seems to me there is a slight problem in that there aren't any great, viable synonyms for a gesture that is very common in human conversation.

Or am I wrong? Is there any alternative to overusing this expression?

To clarify, I'm looking for a verb indicating the gesture (i.e. the motion of the head), not the meaning of agreement (such as e.g. "This sounds great", she concurred)

Bobbing one's head — ODO

  1. Make a quick, short movement up and down

"I could see his head bobbing about"
"Unlike Garrett's bewildered reaction, Clara only gave a slight bob of her head to acknowledge him."

Synonyms: nod, incline, bow, dip, duck

Bowed her head, winked assent, dipped her head, touched her hat, gave a thumbs up, angled her chin down, or tilted her head. It's hard to say "nod" without saying "nod," but there are physical cues that are roughly equivalent, at least in some contexts.