New posts in symmetric-polynomials

Inequality of elementary symmetric polynomials

Ring of polynomials as a module over symmetric polynomials

Why does the discriminant of a cubic polynomial being less than $0$ indicate complex roots?

Given $x+y$ and $x\cdot y$, what is $x^3+ y^3$ ?

Find the value of $\textrm{cosec}^2\left(\frac\pi7\right) +\textrm{cosec}^2\left(\frac{2\pi}7\right)+\textrm{cosec}^2\left(\frac{4\pi}7\right)$

Inequality involving three positive numbers [duplicate]

Prove that $(x+y+z)^2(yz+zx+xy)^2 \leq 3(y^2+yz+z^2)(z^2+zx+x^2)(x^2+xy+y^2)$

Three-variable system of simultaneous equations

Using Vieta's theorem for cubic equations to derive the cubic discriminant

For $abc=1$ prove that $\sum\limits_{cyc}\frac{a}{a^{11}+1}\leq\frac{3}{2}.$

Super hard system of equations

What is the function space generated by addition and $(a,b)\mapsto (a+b)^{-1}\cdot a\cdot b$ of elements and their inverses?

Rational solutions to $a+b+c=abc=6$

If $x+\frac1x=5$ find $x^5+\frac1{x^5}$.

Is it possible to have three real numbers that have both their sum and product equal to $1$?

Symmetric polynomials and the Newton identities