New posts in symmetric-polynomials

Hard inequality for positive numbers

Hard inequality $ (xy+yz+zx)\left(\frac{1}{(x+y)^2}+\frac{1}{(y+z)^2}+\frac{1}{(z+x)^2}\right)\ge\frac{9}{4} $

What does Heron's formula naturally deform?

What are the analogues of Littlewood-Richardson coefficients for monomial symmetric polynomials?

'Galois Resolvent' and elementary symmetric polynomials in a paper by Noether

Sum of Vandermonde determinant

How prove $\frac{1}{a}+\frac{1}{b}+\frac{1}{c}\le\frac{3}{\sqrt{7}}$

Basis for $\Bbb Z[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ over $\Bbb Z[e_1,\dots,e_n]$

Specializations of elementary symmetric polynomials

Symmetric functions written in terms of the elementary symmetric polynomials.

How to prove this inequality? $ab+ac+ad+bc+bd+cd\le a+b+c+d+2abcd$

Expressing a symmetric polynomial in terms of elementary symmetric polynomials using computer?

How to solve this equation with symmetric polynomials? [closed]

How to prove $(a-b)^3 + (b-c)^3 + (c-a)^3 -3(a-b)(b-c)(c-a) = 0$ without calculations

prove this inequality by $abc=1$

Find $S = \frac{a}{b+c}+\frac{b}{c+a} + \frac{c}{a+b}$ if values of $a+b+c$ and $\frac1{a+b}+\frac1{b+c}+\frac1{a+c}$ are given

A generalized (MacLaurin's) average for functions

A generalization of arithmetic and geometric means using elementary symmetric polynomials

Algorithm(s) for computing an elementary symmetric polynomial

Can $e_n$ always be written as a linear combination of $n$-th powers of linear polynomials?