New posts in suffixes

What suffix rule applies to making rival into rivalrous (i.e., is this legitimate)

Word formation with the nominal suffix -tion: when and why do we insert an "a"?

Suffix ‘-ium’ vs. ‘-um’ in element names

When is "marked" pronounced with 2 syllables?

Meaning of the ending “‑exia”?

Why does the preterite of verbs such as "deal", "feel" and "dream" have a devoiced dental suffix?

How common are hypocorisms ending with "s" in female names? (Babs, Bess, Becks...)

'-ible' suffix vs. '-able' suffix

"Exercise" but not "exercize"

Diminutive forms in English.

Abolition vs. Abolishment

What does the -st word ending mean and is it used in any modern vocabulary?

What is the origin of "earthling"?

Is there a maximum number of suffixes that can be added to an English word?

Obsessed or Obsessive?

How did "combo" arise as an abbreviation for "combination"? [duplicate]

What's the deal with "fiery"?

Adding the letter O onto the end of root words like - friendo, fatso, f*cko, weirdo, etc

What does the suffix “-saurus” mean?

Is there a semantic difference between ‘without’ and ‘‑less’?