New posts in suffixes

“Golden crown” vs. “gold crown”

Does the suffix -ify have any inherent characteristics of making letters pronounced which would otherwise be silent?

Beneficiaries of an action ending with the "-ee" suffix

"You are likely to [verb]" vs. "you are like to [verb]"

Is there a general rule for which types of nouns end in -archy vs. -cracy?

“-gram” vs. “-graph”

"Science fiction-y"

Are there suffixes akin to -phobe and -phile that are less extreme in meaning?

-able & -ability usage: Why can't "searchability" be a word? (Or can it?)

What does the suffix “‑erior” mean?

What is the origin of "-ix" as a feminine variation?

Is modern 'five countries' English the only type of English with stress patterns that change across the entire word depending on the suffix?

Why do we use the suffix “‑gate” when referring to a scandal? [closed]

Antonym for gormless?

Why is "happyness" spelled with a Y in the movie title "The Pursuit of Happyness"? [closed]

Whats the difference between "-ist" and "-er"

What is the opposite of the suffix -cide? [duplicate]

Why does “lactic” have an "-ic", while "unique" have an "-ique"?

Pronunciation of "-ed" endings

When is it appropriate, if at all, to use the suffix "ish"?