New posts in suffixes

Word with -ee as a suffix

Is "vapourise" considered incorrect, even in British English?

A rule for identifying the stressed syllable in abstract nouns ending in -ity. Is it foolproof?

When did things like ‑fu start to spread?

Implementor vs. Implementer [closed]

Why are some "-ist" suffixed words used as the adjectival form over the more common "-istic"?

Is it correct to call the modifier's value modifiee?

Adding an L when appending an -ium suffix to a word? (Metallium vs. Metalium)

"Economic" vs. "economical"

Are there names for consonant-shifts when suffixes are added?

How are diminutives formed in recent English words?

Where do you put the suffix when listing the last name first?

Use of "-wise" in phrases or words

Why do some ---ify verbs have a different noun ending?

Looking for a suffix to denote paraphernalia associated with a person

Are the words "sillily", "uglily", "friendlily", "livelily", etc., valid English?

Does the suffix in "lipolysis" and "ketosis" have the same meaning in both the words?

Is there a rule for which suffix to use when creating adjectives from nouns?

What's the difference between "efficacy" and "effectiveness"?

Where did the word red-tapism come from?