New posts in sudo

How to su to another user in mac OS X?

Error when trying to run an app with sudo or gksudo

How to sudo git clone and safely change permission to another user

How to disable the password prompts?

How do I transfer files over ssh after sudo?

Why doesn't sudo know where psql is?

sudo: a terminal is required to read the password; either use the -S option to read from standard input or configure an askpass helper

Why can I remove a file as user which is owned by root?

Why does "su - X" require password, but "sudo -u X bash" doesn't?

Is there any way to force sudo to not log actions from a specific user?

Ansible: Run command as different user but not with sudo

Accidentally copied files to wrong directory

sudo vim can't write file

sudo does not change sysfs parameters [duplicate]

How to specify root's environment variable?

Unable to install Python without sudo access

Root user and Super User

How to run privileged programs without elevation by sudo?

rsync but keep destination ownership without setting to source ownership

sudo: node : command not found