New posts in stochastic-processes

Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process: increments

Mean value theorem inside the Expectation

Expected Reward from Poisson Dependent on time

Dominated convergence problems with Wald's identity for the Brownian Motion

Are nonnegative Lévy processes almost always nondecreasing?

Markov chains: is "aperiodic + irreducible" equivalent to "regular"?

Limiting distribution of $\frac1n \sum_{k=1}^{n}|S_{k-1}|(X_k^2 - 1)$ where $X_k$ are i.i.d standard normal

$E[e_te_s\Delta B_t\Delta B_s]$ for $\Delta B_t$ Brownian motion increments and $e_t(\omega)$ a measurable function.

Understanding the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

How to characterize recurrent and transient states of Markov chain

Interpretation for the determinant of a stochastic matrix?

Paths of Brownian motion

Proof for convergence in distribution implying convergence in probability for constants

Product Rule for Ito Processes

Is the definite time integral of a Brownian Motion a Markov process and a martingale?

Sobolev meets Wiener

A question about the proof that right-continuous modifications are indistinguishable.

Maybe a Monty Hall kind of problem?

Equilibrium distributions of Markov Chains

Analytical solutions to $E[f(X_\tau) e^{-\alpha\tau}]$