New posts in stochastic-processes

How to show that $dX_{t} = \sqrt{2c\lambda} dB_{t}-\lambda X_{t}dt$ has the following solution

$n$-th power of stochastic exponential

Slowest frog on a ladder amongst many, how fast does it climb and how much is it lagging below the others?

Showing that Brownian motion is bounded with non-zero probability

'Intuitive' difference between Markov Property and Strong Markov Property

Bachelier model option pricing [closed]

Proving that if $(X_t)_{t\geq0}$ and $(Y_t)_{t \geq0}$ are continuous and have the same marginal distributions, then $P_\mathbb{X}=P_\mathbb{Y}$.

Good introductory book for Markov processes

Weak solution of SDE, Tanaka equation

Sum and product of Martingale processes

equilibrium distribution, steady-state distribution, stationary distribution and limiting distribution

Law of large numbers for Brownian Motion (Direct proof using L2-convergence)

Limit using Itô isometry

Condition for martingale

Why predictable processes?

Fubini's theorem for conditional expectations

Integral of a Gaussian process

Time until a consecutive sequence of ones in a random bit sequence

The Laplace transform of the first hitting time of Brownian motion

Does Brownian motion visit every point uncountably many times?