New posts in stochastic-calculus

Quadratic variation and measure change

Show that $X_{t} = \sqrt{c}e^{-\lambda t}\beta_{e^{2\lambda t}}$ solves $dX_{t}=\sqrt{2c\lambda}dB_{t}-\lambda X_{t}dt$

Itō Integral has expectation zero

Stochastic calculus book recommendation

Uniqueness of Brownian motion

What are the prerequisites for stochastic calculus?

Brownian bridge sde

Intuition for random variable being $\sigma$-algebra measurable?

Prove directly from the definition of the Ito's integral

Angle bracket and sharp bracket for discontinuous processes

Wiener Process $dB^2=dt$

Geometric Brownian motion and its inverse

Showing that $X(t)=\int_0^tB(s)ds $ is a Gaussian process.