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Access local front-end connected to Azure SQL Server back-end very slow

Fatal error: Call to undefined function sqlsrv_connect()

PIVOT in sql 2005

Can't see second azure sql database in SSMS object explorer

How to run the same query on all the databases on an instance?

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake

Current wisdom on SQL Server and Hyperthreading?

How to set table name in dynamic SQL query?

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008 deleting multiple user tables

How can I check if a View exists in a Database?

Add alternating row color to SQL Server Reporting services report

T-SQL: Round to nearest 15 minute interval

Maximum size of a varchar(max) variable

When to use SELECT ... FOR UPDATE?

The backend version is not supported to design database diagrams or tables

SQL Server setup media does not support the language

It appears truncation error after inserting value

Find the company that has the smallest payroll

How To Speed Up Adding Column To Large Table In Sql Server

Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit memory leak