New posts in pivot

Unpivot an Excel matrix/pivot-table?

SQL SERVER PIVOT table with joins and dynamic columns

Pivots with dynamic columns in SQL Server

In Sql Server how to Pivot for multiple columns

SQL Server 2008 Vertical data to Horizontal

Join two tables (with a 1-M relationship) where the second table needs to be 'flattened' into one row

Select user having qualifying data on multiple rows in the wp_usermeta table

How to transform vertical data into horizontal data with SQL?

MySQL - sum column value(s) based on row from the same table

Making SQL query dynamic

How to pivot unknown number of columns & no aggregate in SQL Server?

SQL Pivot table, with multiple pivots on criteria

Pandas: Difference between pivot and pivot_table. Why is only pivot_table working?

How to pivot multiple times for different variables in one dataframe in R?

How can I pivot wider and transform my data frame?

SQL server join tables and pivot

MySQL pivot tables - rows to colums . Query

Advice Using Pivot Table in Oracle

Tidyr how to spread into count of occurrence [duplicate]

Oracle Dynamic Pivoting