Join two tables (with a 1-M relationship) where the second table needs to be 'flattened' into one row

max(case when e.course_id = 55 then complete else null end) as c55,
max(case when e.course_id = 66 then complete else null end) as c66,
max(case when e.course_id = 77 then complete else null end) as c77
from student as s
left join enrollment as e
on = e.student_id
group by

@Chris. Using stored procedure you could even create dynamic pivot table without knowing before the number of columns. This is the link

of an answer of mine on an italian forum to a similar problem. There is a complete example that could help you to understand the logic behind. :)


This is my starting dump:

/*Table structure for table `student` */

drop table if exists `student`;

create table `student` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment,
  `name` varchar(50) default null,
  primary key (`id`)
) engine=myisam;

/*Data for the table `student` */

insert  into `student`(`id`,`name`) values (1,'chris');
insert  into `student`(`id`,`name`) values (2,'joe');
insert  into `student`(`id`,`name`) values (3,'jack');

drop table if exists enrollment;

create table `enrollment` (
  `enrollment_id` int(11) auto_increment primary key,
  `student_id` int(11) default null,
  `course_id` int(11) default null,
  `complete` varchar(50) default null
) engine=myisam auto_increment=8 default charset=latin1;

/*Data for the table `enrollment` */

insert  into `enrollment`(`enrollment_id`,`student_id`,`course_id`,`complete`) values (1,1,55,'true');
insert  into `enrollment`(`enrollment_id`,`student_id`,`course_id`,`complete`) values (2,1,66,'true');
insert  into `enrollment`(`enrollment_id`,`student_id`,`course_id`,`complete`) values (3,1,77,'true');
insert  into `enrollment`(`enrollment_id`,`student_id`,`course_id`,`complete`) values (4,2,55,'true');
insert  into `enrollment`(`enrollment_id`,`student_id`,`course_id`,`complete`) values (5,2,66,'false');
insert  into `enrollment`(`enrollment_id`,`student_id`,`course_id`,`complete`) values (6,3,55,'false');
insert  into `enrollment`(`enrollment_id`,`student_id`,`course_id`,`complete`) values (7,3,66,'true');

and this is the stored procedure for the dynamic view:

delimiter //
drop procedure if exists dynamic_view//
create procedure dynamic_view()
declare finish int default 0;
declare cid int;
declare str varchar(10000) default "select,,";
declare curs cursor for select course_id from enrollment group by course_id;
declare continue handler for not found set finish = 1;
open curs;
fetch curs into cid;
if finish = 1 then
leave my_loop;
end if;
set str = concat(str, "max(case when e.course_id = ",cid," then complete else null end) as course_",cid,",");
end loop;
close curs;
set str = substr(str,1,char_length(str)-1);
set @str = concat(str," from student as s
            left join enrollment as e
            on = e.student_id
            group by");
prepare stmt from @str;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
-- select str;
delimiter ;

Now let's call it

mysql> call dynamic_view();
| id | name  | course_55 | course_66 | course_77 |
|  1 | chris | true      | true      | true      |
|  2 | joe   | true      | false     | NULL      |
|  3 | jack  | false     | true      | NULL      |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)

Now we insert other two records with two different courses:

insert  into `enrollment`(`student_id`,`course_id`,`complete`) values (1,88,'true');
insert  into `enrollment`(`student_id`,`course_id`,`complete`) values (3,99,'true');

and we recall the procedure. This is the result:

mysql> call dynamic_view();
| id | name  | course_55 | course_66 | course_77 | course_88 | course_99 |
|  1 | chris | true      | true      | true      | true      | NULL      |
|  2 | joe   | true      | false     | NULL      | NULL      | NULL      |
|  3 | jack  | false     | true      | NULL      | NULL      | true      |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

That's all. :)