New posts in tidyr

How do I scrape / automatically download PDF files from a document search web interface in R?

How to use tidyr::separate when the number of needed variables is unknown [duplicate]

How to collapse a tibble by combining rows into a list?

How can I pivot wider and transform my data frame?

Spreading a two column data frame with tidyr

combine two data frames with all posible combinations

Tidyr how to spread into count of occurrence [duplicate]

How to complete missing factor levels in data frame?

Using dplyr window functions to calculate percentiles

How to replace all NA in a dataframe using tidyr::replace_na? [duplicate]

Changing Million/Billion abbreviations into actual numbers? ie. 5.12M -> 5,120,000 [duplicate]

adding default values to item x group pairs that don't have a value (df %>% spread %>% gather seems strange)

Is it possible to use spread on multiple columns in tidyr similar to dcast? [duplicate]

Comparing gather (tidyr) to melt (reshape2)

Merge two dataframe with 2 columns (comma separated content) in R

Spread with duplicate identifiers (using tidyverse and %>%) [duplicate]

Add NAs to make all list elements equal length

data.table equivalent of tidyr::complete()

R spreading multiple columns with tidyr [duplicate]

tidyverse pivot_longer several sets of columns, but avoid intermediate mutate_wider steps [duplicate]