New posts in dplyr

Is cut() style binning available in dplyr?

The calculation of new variable using the equation and parameters provided in separate columns in R

Use filter in dplyr conditional on an if statement in R

R, dplyr - combination of group_by() and arrange() does not produce expected result?

R: Manually Specifying Factor Levels

filtering data.frame based on row_number()

How to select most common values in a column

How to calculate tertiles in R?

Why does this dplyr filter not work in shiny, but works fine when run without shiny?

most elegant way to calculate rowSums of colums that start AND end with certain strings, using dplyr

Pass data frame and reference it for assignment inside function in R

R - How do I column bind all vectors from a list of vectors into a separate object?

R - How do I make all values within a list of vectors that are less than zero equal to 0?

Object not found error in R function during importing from excel

Using case_when() within mutate_at() to recode several columns with different types of NA

Transpose multiple sub-headers into factor column in R

Override column types when importing data using readr::read_csv() when there are many columns

dplyr replacing na values in a column based on multiple conditions

Create sequential counter that restarts on a condition within panel data groups [duplicate]

What is the tidy equivalent of using `sweep` across rows?