Is cut() style binning available in dplyr?

Just so there's an immediate answer for others arriving here via search engine, the n-breaks form of cut is now implemented as the ntile function in dplyr:

> data.frame(x = c(5, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3)) %>% mutate(bin = ntile(x, 2))
  x bin
1 5   2
2 1   1
3 3   2
4 2   1
5 2   1
6 3   2

I see this question was never updated with the tidyverse solution so I'll add it for posterity.

The function to use is cut_interval from the ggplot2 package. It works similar to base::cut but it does a better job of marking start and end points than the base function in my experience because cut increases the range by 0.1% at each end.

data.frame(x = c(5, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3)) %>% mutate(bin = cut_interval(x, n = 2))
  x   bin
1 5 (3,5]
2 1 [1,3]
3 3 [1,3]
4 2 [1,3]
5 2 [1,3]
6 3 [1,3]

You can also specify the bin width with cut_width.

data.frame(x = c(5, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3)) %>% mutate(bin = cut_width(x, width = 2, center = 1))
  x   bin
1 5 (4,6]
2 1 [0,2]
3 3 (2,4]
4 2 [0,2]
5 2 [0,2]
6 3 (2,4]

The following works with dplyr, assuming x is the variable we wish to bin:

# Make n bins
df %>% mutate( x_bins = cut( x, breaks = n )

# Or make specific bins
df %>% mutate( x_bins = cut( x, breaks = c(0,2,6,10) )