New posts in wamp

Installing mod_wsgi on WAMP server running on Windows 7

My .php files not running on WAMP Server, it is trying to save the file instead

How to change maximum number of POST variable in PHP?

Cannot find local host via browser - can ping localhost and ok

cURL error 60: SSL certificate prblm: unable to get local issuer certificate [duplicate]

How to get around or make PHP json_decode not alter my very large integer values?

How to change mysql port

SSL Localhost Privacy error

Android connection to localhost

why wamp server put online/ offline option is missing?

How can I access localhost from another computer in the same network? [duplicate]

step-by-step instructions for installing IMAGEMAGICK on WAMP?

where does MySQL store database files?

Can't use WAMP , port 80 is used by IIS 7.5

How to fix " [08S01] Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. "

Get Windows localhost (port 80) to forward to port 8080 for Apache service

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) Symfony PHP VERSION WAMP Windows

#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

How to create a fake hostname in windows?

What is the difference between XAMPP or WAMP Server & IIS?