New posts in software-recommendation

How to view EXTREMELY large images?

Mac OS X Application to Float a Window in Front of Others

Convert speech (mp3 audio files) to text

Change EXIF meta-data of multiple images in single click

ID3 Tag editor for 13.04 & later [duplicate]

Clonezilla like app for the desktop?

What are my options for syncing a folder between a Mac and a PC?

Security camera system server

Record screen, microphone and web camera in Ubuntu 17.10 (Wayland Session)

Is there an OSX app/way to batch rename files via a purely text interface?

CRM Application for Ubuntu

Time and date inside a video capture

Software to convert midi to sheet music

Software to automatically remove background from images?

What SIP voip client for OS X I could use?

Virtual DJ for a Wedding

Is there a window tiling app that snaps to other windows' edges rather than predefined screen areas?

Jabber server - ejabberd or jabberd2?

Is there a free, actively developed IRC client for Snow Leopard?

Key logger/watcher suggestion