ID3 Tag editor for 13.04 & later [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Both EasyTag and PuddleTag are available in the raring repos

Solution 2:

I've found Puddletag to be a great tag editor. It does multiple files and allows images to be embedded. It came in really handy for me when I was debugging code that writes MP3 and MP4 tags, but it works with lots of types of tags.

You should be able to get it from the repository via sudo apt-get install puddletag

If not, there's always the PPA

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/puddletag
sudo apt-get update
sudp apt-get install puddletag

Solution 3:

You could try easytag (my personal favorite) sudo apt-get install easytag

Or there is always Ex Falso sudo apt-get install exfalso

Solution 4:

Another option is to use kid3. If you don't have nor want KDE libs, install kid3-qt