Software to convert midi to sheet music

Solution 1:

Try MuseScore. It's also in your package manager:

sudo apt install musescore

Or install it via Using terminal:

sudo snap install musescore

Solution 2:

There is the package abcmidi that provides the application midi2abc, capable of converting midi files to abc file.

sudo apt install abcmidi
midi2abc prelude.mid >  # midi to abc notation format
yaps  # abc format to postscript
evince  # open with evince

abc files can be easily converted to something printable with yaps from the package of the same name.

Solution 3:

Rosegarden is mainly a full blown MIDI sequencer but it also comes with a quite professional notation feature to convert MIDI data to scores:

Install via the software center

Depending on your needs in case you only need a small piece of MIDI to transform it to scores this may be overkill, but if you need to edit these files or start composing you may need one or the other of it's additional features.