New posts in software-center

Ubuntu Software Centre is stalled installing a package and I can't install anything else

When purchasing software, how many releases of Ubuntu will that software be available to me?

Should I install Firefox add-ons via the Software Center or the webbrowser?

Are ubuntu software center sources different from apt-get / synaptic?

Is uninstalling via software center the equivalent of "apt-get purge"? [duplicate]

ImportError: No module named dbus

Software Installer does not work

Cannot install programs with apt-get or Software Center

How to identify 'main' ubuntu repository apps

How can I install PHP 5.5 on Ubuntu? [duplicate]

How can i install a list of packages with apt and apt-get [duplicate]

Why ubuntu software center doesn't have the latest version of softwares? [duplicate]

Why is software slow to install using Ubuntu Software Center?

How can I stop my email address displaying in the Software Center comments?

Why aren't my PPA's showing up in the Ubuntu Software Center?

Unable to install or upgrade after an upgrade to 16.04 with gcc-doc error [duplicate]

Can I uninstall Ubuntu Software-Centre from 18.04?

Why do I have to 'buy' a free item in the Ubuntu Software Center? [closed]

How do I return a purchase from the Ubuntu Software Centre?

What is the payout date for commercial applications?