New posts in software-center

Startup Disk Creator - not found in Ubuntu Software Centre

How to install libappindicator1 in ubuntu 20.4 LTS? [duplicate]

apt-get fails to upgrade, install, remove etc

How can I have the software center automatically create a shortcut on my desktop every time it installs an application?

Ubuntu Software-center: no permission to install software

Cannot install any software from the Software Center due to ttf-mscorefonts-installer package error

How do programs make it into the Software center?

16.10 Cannot sign in to Ubuntu One account from Ubuntu Software

How to create desktop applications for Ubuntu Software Center?

How to use software-properties-gtk --enable-component=ENABLE_COMPONENT?

How to launch a newly installed program [duplicate]

Can I get the Ubuntu Software center in KDE?

Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NOSPLIT' (apt update) [duplicate]

Problem in jenkins installation on Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS

Can I install items on Ubuntu, without using the command line? [duplicate]

Ubuntu will not allow me to install programs or updates [duplicate]

Can I give an app that I purchased in the Software Center to somebody else ? (And related questions.)

Why does an error appear every time I try to open the Ubuntu Software Center? [duplicate]

software center crashes all the time [duplicate]

How to submit commercial apps to the Ubuntu Software Center? [duplicate]