New posts in synaptic

Missing libqt3-mt in 13.04

How to install postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.1 on Ubuntu 14.04(Trusty Tahr)?

Nvidia Drivers - Synaptic

Libc6 is broken

After force-installing a 32-bit deb failed, how can I install the 64-bit version?

problem with update

DEBIAN repository signing: a step-by-step guide

Synaptic remove "gedit" wants to remove "ubuntu-desktop". How can I reinstall "gedit"?

20.04 Synaptics package manager not supported [duplicate]

How do I install a package with synaptic?

apt-get won't handle package locking made in Synaptic

How can I theme Synaptic Manager?

Package Manager cannot access repositories but internet is working

dpkg: error processing linux-headers-3.2.0-35

Why does apt not display an error message even if flock is used?

How exactly does Synaptic keep track of "New in repository" packages?

How to fix broken repository information?

Write List of Packages installed via Manual Invocation of apt-get to File

How to make Synaptic the default to install .deb files? [duplicate]

Are ubuntu software center sources different from apt-get / synaptic?