apt-get won't handle package locking made in Synaptic
In Synaptic I locked skype to version and the package manager is correctly ignoring newer version (it doesn't select skype upgrade).
On the contrary, apt-get upgrade will propose the upgrade.
I know I could lock the package with echo "skype hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
, but I'd like to have Synaptic changes being reflected in apt-get
Synaptic has it's own configuration file, separate from dpgk's so this will be a manual process. However, here are some commands that should make things easier.
To put the pinned Synaptic packages on hold:
sed -n '/Package:/h;/Pin:/{g;s/\(Package: \)//;s/.*/& hold/p}' < /var/lib/synaptic/preferences | sudo dpkg --set-selections
If you want to change the held packages back to install:
dpkg --get-selections |sed -n '/hold/H;s/hold/install/p'| sudo dpkg --set-selections