New posts in soft-question

Question for mathematicians who started before the computer era: what constants did you have memorized, in what form, and why?

How to define "being inside of something" in the context of topology?

Beautiful Indefinite Integrals. [closed]

How can I pick up analysis quickly?

Where are the model theory concepts from?

A function takes every function value twice - proof it is not continuous

Is $1$ the halfway point between $0$ and infinity? [closed]

Are there any good algebraic geometry books to recommend? [duplicate]

Generalized graph theory

Mathematicians who are famous for reasons other than mathematics [closed]

What's the hard part of zero?

How does one know that a theorem is strong enough to publish?

Good examples for mathemathical problems/statements that are easely solvable/provable in one theory and hard to solve/prove in another

Am I correct in stating that the study of topology is purely theoretical? [closed]

What are examples of mathematicians who don't take many notes? [closed]

How to prove existence of solutions without constructing one?

What concepts were most difficult for you to understand in Calculus? [closed]

Applying " divide by highest denominator power" to $ f(x)= \frac {4x+1} {\sqrt{x^2+9}}$ ( Context : limits at infinity and asymptotes).

What is the most influential work of Grothendieck in mathematics?

Recommended maths book for beginner to study in computer science [closed]