Are there any good algebraic geometry books to recommend? [duplicate]

As I mentioned at another post Teaching myself differential topology and differential geometry

If you are interested in learning Algebraic Geometry I recommend the books of my Amazon list. They are in recommended order to learn from the beginning by yourself:

In particular, from that list, a quick path to understand basic Algebraic Geometry would be to read Bertrametti et al. "Lectures on Curves, Surfaces and Projective Varieties", Shafarevich's "Basic Algebraic Geometry" vol. 1, 2 and Perrin's "Algebraic Geometry an Introduction". But then you are entering the world of abstract algebra.

There is no a single complete book and much less explaining the ideas as clearly as possible. If you are starting from the very beginnig, I recommend these in this order: Karen Smith's, Beltrametti, Hulek, Safarechiv vol. 1, Perrin, Shafarevich vol. 2 and then scheme theory with Ueno's three volumes.... then you can jump with enough background to the bible by Hartshorne, or Griffiths/Harris for the more complex geometric side.